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< Vridlo/types
Revision as of 14:11, 24 December 2019 by Majioa (talk | contribs)

Task is a secondary structure that represents Task model, which is used for describing the Assembler's task. It is described as:

  • no is natural mandatory write-once
Unique task identifier in the context of the current assembler.
  • owner_slug is string mandatory write-once
Slug name of the task owner person in the context of the current assembler. It represents User structure, which is defined by the user's Recital record placed with the kind of login.
  • source_path_slug is string mandatory write-once
Slug of the source path. 
  • uri is string optional
External resource URI to see the task details.
  • state is string optional
State of the task.
  • shared is boolean optional
Shared flag of the task.
  • test is boolean optional
Testonly flag of the task.
  • try is natural optional
Try of the build.
  • iteration is natural optional
Build iteration.
  • changed_at is string optional
Task state is changed at the time.
  • exercises_count is positive mandatory read-only
Count of held exercises i.e. subtasks in the task.