
From ALT Linux Wiki

File is a primary structure that represents rpm file containment entity. That file can be of RPM itself, patch, source tarball, any file or folder inside the tarball, and it is described as:

  • rpm_slug is natural optional write-once floating
Slug of the RPM, which the file belongs to, if any. Otherwise must be leave blank.
  • description is string mandatory write-once
Description of the file as a binary inferred from file utility v5.
  • mime_type is string mandatory write-once
MIME Type of the file as a binary inferred from file utility v5.
  • mime_encoding is string mandatory write-once
MIME Encoding of the file as a binary inferred from file utility v5.
  • sha is string[56] mandatory write-once
SHA2 224 56-byted checksum over the file containment. Is used as unique file index.
  • file_sources_count is natural mandatory read-only
Count of file sources which the file is used in.
  • rpm_files_count is natural mandatory read-only
Count of actual RPM files which the file is used in.
  • all_rpm_files_count is natural mandatory read-only
Count of all RPM files which the file is used in. Shall be more or equal to rpm_file_count value.