
From ALT Linux Wiki
Revision as of 06:25, 6 September 2022 by Retrograde (talk | contribs) (Starting recreate translations from the Russian original source)

Русский оригинал этого перевода текста.

SQLite is a local database. Nevertheless, it allows you to use the advantages and concepts of the classic SQL standard language. SQLite does not use the client-server paradigm, the software stores all data on one device. The DBMS is built into the application and works as its integral part. The database format is one file.


Before installing SQLite, it is highly recommended to upgrade your system.

You can read more about updating the system here RPM.

$ su-
# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

After we have updated the system, we can start installing the SQLite package.

# apt-get install sqlite3

Meta Commands


Standard Commands


Creating, modifying and deleting a database


Database creation


Create tables


Delete table


ALT Linux OS packages

  • sqlite3 - CLI utility that allow you to create and work with SQLite datafiles from the command line
  • sqlite3-doc - API documentation
  • Bindings:
  1. sqlite3-tcl - TCL. By the way, TCL & SQLite has one author. SQLite was part of TCL before it became indepedent project.
  2. perl-DBD-SQLite - DBI/DBD driver for the Perl programming language
  3. python3-modules-sqlite3 - Pyhton 3 modules
  4. libsqlite3-devel - classical C & object oriented C++ headers


  1. English
  2. Russian