Git.alt reference

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How to use

git.alt provides the following kinds of access to the repositories:

  • SSH. Special commands are provided: repos search, cloning, creation, deletion, build invocation and control, and some auxiliary ones.
  • ssh:, git:, http: provide immediate access to repositories. With git: and http: you can only do read-only operations, ssh: gives read-write access.
  • Web interface. It is located here: and provides repos navigation and gitweb for each individual repo.

SSH access to git.alt is only granted to persons who joined ALT Linux Team.

SSH access

You can use git.alt via SSH at The login name is your ALT Linux Team username with _ (underscores) instead of - (hyphens), if there are any.

Here is an example of an entry in your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host git.alt
  Port 222
  User git_USERNAME

If your are behind a proxy, most ports are blocked etc., you can also access SSH with the address

The list of available commands is displayed, when you login to SSH without commands or with help command:

$ ssh git.alt help
Available commands:
git-receive-pack <directory>
git-upload-pack <directory>
charset <path to git repository> [<charset>]
clone <path to git repository> [<path to directory>]
find-package <pattern>
init-db <path to directory>
ls [<path to directory>]
mv-db <path to source directory> <path to destination directory>
rm-db <path to git repository>
task {list|new|show|drop|add|run} ...
build <path to gear repository> <tag name> [<binary package repository name>] [<project name>]

In all commands, the .git suffix for repositories is optional and may be omitted; but in the output of commands this suffix is always appended.


$ ssh git.alt ls [<directory>]

Similar to UNIX ls, this command lets you see contents of directories at git.alt:

$ ssh git.alt ls /people/dottedmag/public
total 24
drwxr-sr-x 5 4096 Jun 13 10:22 bugzilla-repo-sync.git
drwxr-sr-x 5 4096 Jul  7 18:03 wackoconvert.git

The command issued without parameters displays the contents of /people/$USERNAME:

$ ssh git.alt ls
total 16
drwxr-s---  5 4096 May 30 21:27 etc
drwxr-sr-x 14 4096 Aug 13 23:53 packages
drwxr-s--x  2 4096 Feb 13  2007 private
drwxr-sr-x  8 4096 Aug 13 23:57 public

The same directory is used as a base for relative paths:

$ ssh git.alt ls public
total 24
drwxr-sr-x 5 4096 Jun 13 10:22 bugzilla-repo-sync.git
drwxr-sr-x 5 4096 Jul  7 18:03 wackoconvert.git


$ ssh git.alt find-package <pattern>

This command searches repositories with names matching <pattern>. The only wildcard character allowed in <pattern> is * (asterisk). It is assumed that all public gear-repos are located in packages/ directories of each user, so repos are only searched in these directories.

$ ssh git.alt find-package glibc*
/people/avm/packages/glibc.git	1216320095
/people/peet/packages/glibc-kernheaders.git	1177084354
/people/mike/packages/glibc-kvercheck.git	1160664813
$ ssh git.alt find-package glibc
/people/avm/packages/glibc.git	1216320095
/people/peet/packages/glibc.git	1177084600

The second column in find-package output is a unixtime of the last repo update.


$ ssh git.alt clone <path to git repository> [<destination directory>]

This command clones a repository, i.e. makes a copy of a repository in the specified directory (or in packages/ directory, if none specified) so that you can start hacking on it.

$ ssh git.alt clone /people/ldv/glibc.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /people/dottedmag/packages/glibc.git/

You can also specify a repository name instead of just a destination directory as the second parameter:

$ ssh git.alt clone /people/ldv/glibc.git public
Initialized empty Git repository in /people/dottedmag/public/glibc.git/
$ ssh git.alt clone /people/ldv/glibc.git public/test
Initialized empty Git repository in /people/dottedmag/public/test.git/

You can also clone a repository from outside git.alt:

$ ssh git.alt clone public
Initialized empty Git repository in /people/dottedmag/packages/public.git/
Getting alternates list for
walk 03d18e21d85fa30fc3ac8d921eb391e2a7bb242a


$ ssh git.alt init-db <path to directory>

Creates a new Git repo. By default, the repo is created in packages/ directory.

$ ssh git.alt init-db test
Initialized empty Git repository in ./
girar-init-db:	/people/dottedmag/packages/test.git

You can also pass a path and a name of the repo as the only parameter:

$ ssh git.alt init-db public/test
Initialized empty Git repository in ./
girar-init-db:	/people/dottedmag/public/test.git


$ ssh git.alt mv-db <path to source directory> <path to destination directory>

Allows to move and rename repositories. If only a repository name is given (without path), packages/ directory is used.

Moving packages/test.git to public/newname.git:

$ ssh git.alt mv-db test public/newname

Moving public/newname.git to packages/test.git:

$ ssh git.alt mv-db public/newname test

Renaming packages/test.git to packages/megatest.git:

$ ssh git.alt mv-db test megatest


$ ssh git.alt rm-db <path to git repository>

Removes a repository. If only a repository name is given (without path), packages/ directory is used:

$ ssh git.alt rm-db megatest # removes packages/megatest.git
$ ssh git.alt rm-db public/test

Auxiliary commands

$ ssh git.alt charset <path to git repository> [<charset>]

Obtain or set the charset used in files of the specified git-repository. This charset is chosen to display diffs in the notification e-mails sent by git.alt.

$ ssh git.alt charset packages/glibc
$ ssh git.alt charset packages/glibc cp1252
$ ssh git.alt charset packages/glibc
$ ssh git.alt quota

Displays the user's quota and the used space.

$ ssh git.alt quota
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
     /dev/simfs   16932    977M   1465M             555    100k    150k        
git-receive-pack, git-upload-pack

These commands are used internally by git-push, git-pull and other utilities. You should not run them explicitly.

task, build

Not implemented yet.

Cloning and usage of repositories

Basically, git.alt repos are git-repositories, so any command applicable to a git repo can be used with a git.alt repo.

git.alt repositories can be accessed via the following URLs:

git (r/o)
rsync (r/o)$USER/(packages|public|private)/$PACKAGE.git
http (r/o)$USER/(packages|public|private)/$PACKAGE.git
ssh (r/w)

You can find HTTP- and git-URLs of repos in the git.alt web interface.

Git.alt web interface

The address is

The web interface allows to navigate public repos of all users (i.e. /people/$USERNAME/{packages,public} directories) and includes gitweb interface for those repos.

Aside from that, the web interface displays /archive repositories (with no gitweb, you can only clone them) and a file people-packages-list — this file contains all repos from /people/$USERNAME/packages/ directories along with unixtimes of their last change.