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< Vridlo/types
Revision as of 22:46, 11 December 2019 by Majioa (talk | contribs)

Mirror is a structure that represents Mirror model. Represents the mirror URI for the specific RPM source path. It is described as:

  • id is natural mandatory read-only internal
Unique identifier of mirror.
  • branch_path_slug is string mandatory
Branch path slug, which the RPM belongs to.
  • uri is string mandatory
Full URI of the mirror for the specific RPM source path. 
  • name is Name array optional
Name array for the group. It can include title value only.
  • order_no is string optional read-only
Sort order number, lower number is last in sorting.
  • country is string optional
Country code for the host servers for the mirror.
  • protocol is string mandatory read-only
Access protocol to the mirror, and is inferred from the uri. Can be of ftp, http, https.